The Origins of Stretch School Of Life


Stretch School of Life was established In 2017 by Lebo Pule initially as a Facebook Group where she shared ancient knowledge and wisdom on how best to live our lives. The teachings were informative, inspirational and empowering - stretching both the heart and mind. She helped thousands of her then students in the Facebook Group and Page.

It followed that she needed to officialize the teachings and create a school platform that would legitimize and give the work credibility. This meant creating a program that is well structured and based on credible information from over 200 books that Lebo Pule read since age 22.

The first program she created is a flagship 12 month stretch program which consists of seven official subjects as well as a few bonus teachings.

Since Stretch is a school, there will be other programs from Lebo as well as other teachers and coaches that will be part of the school as the years unfold.

Who Should Join Stretch?

The teachings imparted on all stretch courses are healing and life transforming to anyone who is willing to be open minded and open hearted – basically anyone who knows in their heart of hearts that they need to heal some stuff in order to find their true voice, their authentic power, their signature and purpose in life.

 We have categorized a potential stretcher into two categories

The Knowledge Seekers

  •  Anyone who is curious about how life works at a spiritual level and how it affects us daily
  •  Anyone interested in the link between your spiritual self and your human self.
  • Anyone who yearns to live a more authentic, more full and a more purposeful life.
  • Anyone who is open to indigenous teachings and ancient wisdom from cultures around the world
  • Anyone who is not afraid of fully knowing who they are the good the bad and the scary 😊

Those Who Want To Fetch Their Lives

  • Anyone  who want to break old, tired patterns and a sense of stagnation in their lives
  • Anyone who wants to step into a new way of being  and showing up differently in the world
  • Anyone with unhealthy patterns  such as bad temper, rage, anxiety, bitterness, ghosting and jealousy.
  • Anyone with unhealthy  money pattens and relationship dramas.
  •  Anyone who is tired of masks, presences and mediocrity in their lives
  • Anyone  struggling with the imposter syndrome and irrational fears that is holding them back


Q. Do I have to be part of the Facebook Group to be a stretch student?

A. No we no longer have a Facebook Group. This school platform offers the same Facebook group type of interaction should you wish to engage with fellow students. The interactions are rich and can help you along in your stretching and healing journey — your own sharing with the class might and often help others too.

Q. I do not have 12 months to do the program, but I really want to join how do I do that?

A. Thank you for a really good question. Part of why we moved from a Facebook group set up was for people like you. While the course is 12 month to pay, you can do the course at your own pace, you can do it faster than 12 months (good luck with that :)) Or as slow paced as you want, you can do it over 2 or even 3 years if you want. Because access to the program is for life or for as long as you want. The 12 months is the payment period.


Q. I have done the stretch course in 2017/18/19 but there are subjects I would like to revisit is that possible? Can I pick the subjects I want?

A. Yes, yes and yes, as a former stretcher you can access any subject you want to revisit simply send an email with the subject you want to revisit, and we can make it available strictly for you. However we highly recommend that you repeat the whole program particularly if you were part of the class of 2017 and 2018. The content and delivery has improved 180 degrees. Consider that.


Q. I like the Stretch Program and will be joining soon. But can I do the course the way I want, like there are subjects I am interested in first can I start with the Chakra System first before Universal Laws?

A. Hmmmm this is a tricky one, the answer is NO. NO because firstly the program is created such that each subject speaks and connects to the next. The way Lebo teaches- she links previous subjects to the next subject. If you choose to do the Chakra System first, for an example, you might be lost as she will refer to a certain universal law and an archetype that is linked to a dark or light shadow. You will be a bit lost, especially if you are not familiar with this work. May we ask that you trust the process of the program, follow it as it’s designed you will see how much better it works.

- Alternatively you can choose to do Single subjects that are available, and when you are ready you can join the full program.

Q. Do I have to have deep issues or trauma to join stretch or I can just join for self-development ?

A. No you don’t have to have deep issues, or trauma, in fact people who have deep issues and traumas we rather recommend therapy with clinical psychologist first before joining.

Q. Can you do the Stretch Program for companies ?

A. Yes, as a matter of fact we are creating the program tailor made for corporate.

Q. Do I get a qualification or certification after completing the stretch program?

A. Umm… Interesting. What would the qualification say? What would you be qualified for? Where would you use the qualification? 😊.

These are the questions we are also asking ourselves at Stretch School.

Let us remind you, the Stretch School Programme is a personal growth and development program aimed at giving you knowledge and information that will help you understand yourself, your issues, your wounds, your patterns of behaviour, your power and your light. It is meant to help you begin the healing process and to live a beautiful holistic life. The program will make you a better boss, colleague, team player and more efficient at your work. It will also make you a better partner, parent, friend and overall awesome person.

 We can’t possibly give you a qualification for that now can we.

However beginning with the class of 2023 we will issue certificates of completion, provided completed the 12-month program of course and have done the required assignment. Who knows perhaps that might help in the future? How does that sound 😊?


Founder And Teacher

Lebo Pule is a a teacher at Stretch School Of Life, a life coach, podcast host of the Stretch Podcast and a sought-after speaker on healing, leadership, entrepreneurship and social matters. She is an author of a series of two books titled called ALONE- Growing up in Alexandra and ALONE – From Hustling to Healing, respectively. These books are memoirs where she shares various experiences that shaped the woman she has become.

Lebo Pule continues to teach, heal and impact people’s lives through her online school Stretch School where she runs a seven-month long program. She coaches both individuals and groups, her coaching centers on healing, personal development, self mastery overall growth and well being. She runs two annual retreats to further facilitate healing for her students. While she obtained a certificate on Integral Coaching Principles in 2006, she has developed a solid methodology of coaching over the 8 years of coaching and teaching diverse individuals